In a matter of weeks I turn a quarter- of- a- century and it has got me thinking, and evaluating about my life- I have had a roller coaster of emotions about turning another year older.

But I’ve come to a conclusion that for this birthday, not only have I accomplished a quarter of a century BUT I have also took a turn in my life because this year marks a new decade and there’s no reason why I should be down in the dumps (although it seems that 25 is soooo far from 24, much more, it seems that the age from 22-24 are jam- packed into what seems like a year
….). You may ask why would I be in the dumps about my birthday, well…hmmm…let’s see… I’ve thought about ‘where I am in life’ and is this what true success is in life, am I doing what I envisioned myself to do? Well, this topic is already in the works and will be coming to you shortly (in the next blog). But I’ve concluded that what I love the most about my life is that I am constantly learning, consistently gaining knowledge and that the world is truly my playground. There is just so much to look forward to in the next day, week, month, year, DECADE and so forth- my life will be an endless roller coaster of emotions, excitement, joys, tears, and laughter, but it’s the THRILL of it all that I look forward to the most! Live on baby, carpe diem, and Happy Birthday to me!

By the way... aquarius rocks! And just in case you're wondering about what I would like for my birthday well... if you have an account on check out my wishlist:
(or if you're just a good friend and want to get me what I want well sign up! hehehehe ;)
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